Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hash browns stare down

Anyone who knows our two little boys knows that they are little food beggars.

The other day, we were on the bus with the boys, and something caught Andy's attention. He was absolutely transfixed on the man nearby who was enjoying his McDonalds meal. Andy stared and stared at the man eating, never easing his intense gaze for any other distraction. He was completely fixed on the food this man was eating.

I guess the man must have picked up on his mealtime spectator, because after some time of having a 1 year old staring his food down he finally reaching into his bag and handed his hash brown pattie to Andy. Andy took it without hesitation and munched away happily.

We thanked the mysterious hash brown benefactor, and he seemed pleased. Though I'm not sure he was pleased to have made our little Andy happy, or if he was instead pleased to be able to continue eating without an intense audience.

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