Monday, October 12, 2009

Andy's Marriage Meltdown

The other day Andy was having a huge meltdown. It was the usual,
screaming, kicking, beyond irrational. Most of the time we can discern
what triggered the meltdown, but Sarah had no idea what the source of
this one was, so when Andy had finally calmed down enough to talk
Sarah asked him why he was throwing such a huge fit.

His reply, "I just want to be married!"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cooper is a sweetheart

We've been sick for the past few days, except Andy. On Saturday, I
went to the shopping plaza to run a few errands and took Cooper with me. On our way, Cooper says to me, "Daddy, can we get mommy some flowers? I think it will make her happy."

I told him it was a good idea. So we went to pick up dinner. "After this we will go get the flowers for mommy, right?" Cooper says.

"Nope, next is the grocery store."

We get the groceries and go to the flower shop. Cooper strolls right in, glances around for a few seconds, and points to a bundle of bright yellow flowers and says, "That's a good one."

He paid for the flowers and we headed home. Cooper kept a careful hold of the flowers the whole time. He kept saying, "Do you think momma will like them?" and "Will this make her happy?"

When we got home and I told Sarah that the flowers were, in fact, completely Cooper's initiative, she was quite touched.

At 4 years old Cooper is a sweetheart.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Phrases never before said

As a parent you sometimes find yourself saying things you never thought you'd say to another human being. For example, today my wife actually admonished my son with the following words: "Don't put Thomas up your butt." As in Thomas the Train. Don't quite know how to follow that.