Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I may have said it before, but I'm going to say it again, Cooper is much too smart for his own good. He is figuring out how to get into absolutely EVERYTHING. Here's the shining example for the week. We are currently trying to train Cooper to go down for a nap and stay in bed. This is a challenge because if Cooper decides he's not ready to sleep he will slide himself out of bed and play with his toys. Well, a couple of days ago Sarah put Cooper in bed. After a few minutes it was just too quiet, so she went in to check on him. Sarah found him in the following state:

What you may not be able to tell from the picture is that he is standing in his second drawer up. He had pulled out his two drawers and was using them as steps to get into the cabinet above. Oh my goodness.

On a side note, he also likes to get behind the curtains on his window ledge and talk to himself while looking out the window as an alternative to sleeping. Do his smarts and quirks know no bounds?

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