Friday, October 06, 2006

Building character

Cooper has been having a character spurt during the past couple of days. Now, when I say character, I really do mean character. For one, he has started to sing his own super Cooper theme song. He chants, 'da da daaaaaaaa!,' claps his hands, and ends with a fist in the air like a superhero. Then, in case your hearing may have been impaired in some way, he continues by happily repeating his personal anthem a significant number of times for the enjoyment of all.

Cooper has also learned 'nose,' and can point to his own and say 'doze.'

Additionally, he has become incredibly confident in using the word 'no.' He is not shy about saying it or using it at any time or for any reason he feels it is appropriate. Nor is he reluctant to solidify his position on a matter by repeating it in rapid succession, 'no, No, NO!' ::sigh:: Where on earth did we get such a strong willed kid? Sarah and I certainly never deserved this.

On a completely separate note, I have uploaded more pictures to our online photo gallery. You can find the link on the right and look for the most recent album.

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